Campo Architects Attends the 1st Virtual National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week


The National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week was held virtually for the first time on March 8-11, 2021. In total, 42 states and 7 territories were represented by over 270 virtual attendees.

Each year, Preservation Action successfully gathers industry-wide professionals and legislators to emphasize the importance of programs that have catalytic impacts on communities of all sizes to preserve the past while preparing for the future.

Among local advocates from Preserve Louisiana, Louisiana Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Resource Center, and the Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, Campo Architects was represented by John T. Campo, Jr. (President) and Shelby L. Shankle (Historian).

In addition to the Annual Preservation Action Member Meeting and National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers Meeting, advocates and attendees gained insight from industry professionals on best practices of Historic Preservation Advocacy and current events.

Advocates attended “Lobby Day” on Wednesday, March 10th, which involved scheduled meetings with each state’s legislators and staff. Louisiana’s advocates were able to meet with Congressman Garrett Graves (LA-6) and staff members for Congressman Johnson (LA-4), Congressman Higgins (LA-3), Congressman Scalise (LA-1), Senators John Kennedy and Bill Cassidy.

In addition to providing insight on the successes of local and state historic preservation projects, local advocates highlighted the need for enhanced federal historic tax credit legislation and increased funding to historic preservation programming.


Last week, the National Park Service released the Federal Tax Incentives for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2020: “With over 46,000 completed projects since its enactment in 1976, the Historic Tax Credit has leveraged over $109.2 billion in private investment in the rehabilitation of historic properties.” The State Historic Preservation Offices and collective Historic Preservation organizations have advocated for the increased funding and exponential success of the rehabilitation historic tax credits at the federal and state levels.

Even with limited resources, Louisiana boasts a particularly successful State Historic Preservation Office staff. The report highlights Louisiana’s success in Historic Preservation Certification Applications received and approved.

  • Part 1 Applications - 141 Received, 127 Approved

  • Part 2 Applications - 130 Received, 111 Approved

  • Part 3 Applications - 93 Received, 84 Approved

Between FY2016-FY2020, Louisiana’s historic rehabilitation projects have earned $1,398,738,129 in Qualified Rehabilitation Expenditures from 483 approved Part 3 applications, which is among the top-ten highest-earning states in the country.

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Thank you to all of our colleagues, Representatives, and Senators who made this week a success. We look forward to attending National Historic Preservation Advocacy Week in Washington D.C. next year!

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